Bath Design

Bath design requires you to focus almost exclusively on aportioning bathroom space to fit you in what often is a small bathroom. A well functioning bath should allow you to enjoyably prepare yourself for your day. It should also allow you to end your day with a good soak and maybe a glass of wine if that is your wish. We listen to your needs so as to create an exciting design for you.


At the outset we focus on good bathroom design at a fair price to give you the maximum value and enjoyment within your budget. Your bath ideas combined with our unique Woodmark Word Design allows your budget to be considered before you actually begin designing your bathroom.  And an added value is that the information provided by this process allows for the bath designer to efficiently produce drawings when you do begin.  Plus it also eliminates the later headaches of multiple change orders which result from inadequate bath planning.  Woodmark believes any change after beginning your bath should be to improve a detail or to add a better bath product to increase your enjoyment.  It should not be a major item that is forced upon you by inadequate planning.

You will feel growing excitement after your initial bath planning because you have made choices incorporating your bath ideas which achieve the proper balance of design distinction, functionality and cost.  These choices will tailor your bath to your specific needs, your schedule and likely that of your spouse. It should allow for the way you both use your bathroom.  It will be a bath that is visually appealing with functional space.

Good bath design ideas come from everywhere:  from your daily design observations as you are moving about; from magazines and books on bath design when you start the process, and from talking to friends and particularly vendors whom you visit who sell bath products and bath accessories.  You might note that these well versed bath products vendors who are always helpful with design are a great source of bath deisgn ideas.  They are successful because they pursue delivering the most value to each customer with their products. They understand that design is paramount.  They often have kitchen and bath designers on their staff:  cabinet vendors have kitchen and bath designers who are specialists in cabinets; tile vendors have kitchen and bath designers who are specialists in tile; decorative plumbing hardware vendors have kitchen and bath designers who assist in choosing bathtubs, and so on.  These vendors with their kitchen and bath designers are a great resource for you.

When you first think of remodeling your bathroom begin immediately to come up with bathroom ideas. Begin the design process in your mind. Even years in advance of the remodel! The accumulation of these bathroom ideas will result in the best bath built for you.  You will probably be working on your bath design while you sleep!

Combine our experience with your bath ideas

to design an exciting bath!

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Woodmark Kitchen & Bath in Houston
9039 Katy Freeway Suite 310 Houston, Texas 77024
voice 713 468-3300fax 713 468-3357

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